Management Development Programs

An array of programs aimed at unleashing the potential of effective management techniques.

Staff Training Programs
A selection of programs aimed at increasing the awareness and productivity of staff.

Departmental Training Programs
Step by step S.O.P. based training supplemented with practical on the job evaluations

Train The Trainer
A program designed to
initiate the
in-house learning process.

Evaluations & Mystery Audits
A uniquely professional constructive criticism for overall development of services


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   It's time to evolve

Hospitality Industry Services

Sales Training

The current employment climate in the hotel industry has put severe limitations on the ability of hotels to recruit and retain sales people with sales experience and/or a background in hotels. In many cases, we are promoting from within, usually the front desk, or relying on intuition that untried recruits are trainable.This situation is even more apparent in the limited to moderate service sectors, that is, non-convention hotels reliant on their local markets to generate the majority of their demand .
Selling is not just the ability to positively influence others; it's also to assist them in reaching what they emotionally desire. When you have the ability to influence anyone, anywhere, at anytime you will literally open up the floodgates to potential business. We take the process of selling and break it down into a step-by-step procedure that anyone can master.
We specialise in training hotels sales staff on the peculiarities associated with hospitality room and banquet sales. Our up selling, cross selling sales training targeting Wait staff, front desk and reservations representatives bartenders and waiters in restaurants and hotels is one of our most popular programs. The objective is to develop employees from order-takers to proactive salespeople. The goal is an increase in average sales per guest.

Professional Metamorphosis offers the following customised programs

Training for Hospitality Sales Professionals
is a comprehensive sales training program where Participants are exposed to every necessary principle, from opening to closing the sale.

Training for Hotel Reservations and Front Desk Departments
Participants focus on developing the skills needed to achieve both higher reservation conversion ratios and higher room rates resulting in increased revenue and profits.

F&B Suggestive Selling. How to up sell
Participants focus on techniques to up sell menus and dishes thereby leading to an increased average rate per cover.

Frontline Employees Suggestive Selling
is a course empowering your front liners to up sell.

How to deal with Difficult Customers
is a module that deals with the majority of today's customers

Contact us to know more about how we could facilitate the metamorphosis of your entire management and staff into an effective and powerful sales force.

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